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I received a VBM ballot I did not request

What if I receive a VBM ballot that I did not request?

If you voted using a VBM BALLOT in the 2016 General Election, under a new law, you automatically receive VBM ballots.  You have these options to exercise your right to vote.  They are:

  • mail in the VBM ballot, MAKING SURE THE OUTER ENVELOPE IS POST MARKED NO LATER THAN November 6, 2018, and that it is received by the Board of Elections no later than November 8, 2018 (click here for more information); OR
  • bring your VBM ballot in the sealed inner envelope and the sealed outer envelope to the Office of the Union County Clerk (click here for more information) together with your NJ driver’s license or official NJ photo ID card;  OR
  • vote by Provisional Ballot on the day of the General Election at your polling place.  You will not be allowed to cast your ballot using the voting machines at your polling place (click here for more information);  OR
  • bring your VBM ballot to the Offices of the Board of Elections on November 6, 2018, together with your NJ driver’s license or official NJ photo ID card (click here for more information). The address is 271 Broad St, Elizabeth, 6 AM - 8 PM.


LOCATION:  The Office is on North Avenue across the street from the Westfield Diner.  The official address is the Colleen Fraser Building, 300 North Avenue, Westfield, NJ. It is the smaller of the two county buildings behind the gate.


  • Tuesdays and Thursdays: 8 am to 7:30 pm
  • Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays: 8 am to 4 pm
  • Saturdays: 9am to 1 pm

On Monday, November 5, 2018, the Office is open for voting only until 3 pm. The Monday immediately before the General Election, that is Monday, November 5, 2018, you should arrive at the Office by 2:30 pm to make sure there is enough time for the staff to do what they do and you have enough time to vote.

To have enough time to vote, arrive at least a half hour before closing time. So Tuesdays and Thursdays arrive by 7 pm; Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays arrive by 3:30 pm; and Saturdays arrive by 12:30 pm. As noted above, on November 5, you need to arrive by 2:30 pm.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE:  The Office is CLOSED FOR TWO MONDAY HOLIDAYS: Labor Day, September 3, 2018, and Columbus Day, October 8.  The Office is OPEN the Saturday before each of the holidays.

ALSO NOTE: The Monday immediately before the General Election, November 5, 2018, you should arrive at the Office by 2:30 pm.  This is different from all other Mondays when arrival should be by 3:30 pm.

For any questions, call the Clerk’s dedicated telephone for Elections questions: 908-527-4996.


Use blue or black ink to fill in your choices on the ballot.  Fill in the circles completely.

There are two envelopes:  the one you put the ballot in; and the outer envelope.

  • Be sure to sign the envelope for the ballot and fill in the requested information and be sure to seal it. The Board of Elections tears off the flap before your vote is taken out.  Secrecy of your vote is maintained. 
  • Place the sealed ballot envelope in the Outer Envelope.
  • Write your name and address in the upper left corner of the front side ON THE OUTER ENVELOPE.  THEN SEAL THE OUTER ENVELOPE and return it to the staff at the Clerk's office.


When you go to check in to vote at your polling place, the Board of Elections records will be checked to see if a VBM BALLOT was mailed to you.  IF it was, then you have three choices, go to the Post Office to mail in your ballot with post mark of November 6, or go to the Offices of the Board of Elections in Elizabeth to deliver your VBM BALLOT there, OR ask your poll worker for a provisional ballot.  Show your NJ driver’s license or official NJ photo ID card.  Mark your provisional ballot and follow the instructions for placing in the envelope or envelopes,  and hand in to the designated poll worker.


A voter may vote his VBM Ballot at the offices of the Board of Elections on November 6, 2018.  Follow all the instructions regarding how to use the ballot.  Bring your NJ driver’s license or official NJ photo ID card.  The Board of Elections address is: 271 Broad Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07208. The telephone is 908-527-4123.

On Election Day, the offices will be open from 6 AM until 8 PM to receive VBM ballots.