David Contract, Councilman Ward 3
David Contract
David Contract, a marketing executive, has lived in Westfield for more than 12 years. He and his wife, Valerie Latona, have three children, a seventh grader at Edison Intermediate School, a third grader at Tamaques Elementary School and a preschooler. As an active volunteer in various Westfield sports activities, Contract officiates Westfield Y swim meets and has coached his son’s baseball and basketball teams. He and his family are members of the Unitarian Church in Summit, where Contract teaches religious school classes.
Contract offers his passion and experience to address the challenges facing Westfield – specifically the future of downtown Westfield — while preserving what makes this town special. He has already brought positive change to downtown, having spearheaded a smoking ban, which was implemented this spring in outdoor cafes, an achievement that has resulted in a safer and more enjoyable downtown experience for residents, visitors and employees. Prompted by personal experience and health concerns, Contract collected research, spoke to residents and was persistent in his plea to the town council.
“I saw that each of us can make a difference,” explained Contract.
His strategy for improving the Westfield community is rooted in his belief in bringing people together through constructive, ongoing conversation. This was the intention that led Contract and Latona to create Westfield’s Wall (of Love), at the corner of their property at Shackamaxon and Rahway. As Contract said: “We wanted to enable people to engage in a positive open dialogue.” Similarly, he plans to have an open-door policy for residents of Ward 3, be it in person, by phone, via e-mail or text. “If you have a concern,” sayid Contract , “let’s talk and do something about it.”
Listening to people’s needs and wants embodies Contract ’s professional experience as a brand marketer working on brands like Chips Ahoy!, Dr. Scholl’s, Milk-Bone, and NUK. “A key part of managing a brand is understanding what people want, and implementing solutions,” said Contract. “This is what I plan to do if elected to Town Council.”
Contract graduated from Princeton University and received an MBA from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Business. His wife — a former editor-in-chief of Shape magazine — is a writer who covers healthy living, as well as an author, editor and media consultant.